Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well, it's actually been an interesting couple of days! I have some things I can write about. To my disgruntlement some events where quite unfortunate and I'm sad to say involve physical pain. Nevertheless, all ends well with some sweet blessings.

As a couple of you (that is, whoever actually reads this) may know, I am a recreational rock climber. If I had the time I'd become as serious as I could about it, however thanks to school, that isn't much of a possibility. Although, I will say that I'm getting pretty good! In fact, this past Tuesday I climbed a 5.9 rout. (Rate of difficulty starting at a 5.5 ending with a 5.13 The rates are based on the size of the hold and the difficulty of positioning) I accomplished the 5.9 pretty well. I wasn't fluent, but I got through it and made it to the top. I was really excited. I also bouldered which is a skills training exercise. It only goes up about 10ft., but tests your abilities. I started with a V0 (Like climbing a 5.10 on the tower) and did pretty well. I never mastered it like I'd hoped, but still got some good training in. Wednesday I decided to go back and boulder a little more and maybe do a few laps on the towers, but my main focus was to accomplish that V0 with precision, and I did! I made it through about four times, actually! Sadly, I get the bright idea to climb a V1 (Like climbing a 9.11 or 9.12 on the towers). I didn't do so well. I couldn't get past about half way, but being the overachiever that I am I tried, and tried until my body gave out. Finally, I gave up, did some cardio and went home. Apparently I strained a little too much on that V1, because when I got home my back began to hurt... Not just a little bit, a lot. I hadn't had so much pain since I was an avid figure skater, and even then it night not could compare to yesterday's pain. I called my sister who is a Physical Therapist and she told me everything I needed to do and what might be wrong. We are PRAYING, as I hope you will be doing also for me, that it is merely muscular. It seems as though I've just strained my lower back muscles. There is- and I pray it's not- a chance it could be a disc issue, but the Lord is larger than life and can take pain and eliminate it immediately. Though, this morning was far from fun. I woke up with the same amount of pain. Thankfully, it has dwindled a little as the day has gone on thanks to ice, heat, and ibuprofen- lots of ibuprofen.
Although that might seem like a downer, and it is because I have to spend about 2-3 weeks off the rock wall and bouldering wall, today ended so very well. A close friend of my dad's, Jeff, was in town from Indiana and asked if he could take Kasey and me and treat us to dinner. It was such a blessing, A. because he's a wonderful man and very enjoyable to be around, and B. because I'm running low on cash... and food. I wont lie, the free meal was needed! The conversation and the time we got to spend with him, however, was much more needed. He's a man of integrity, cordiality, and great respect; someone Kasey and I both look up to as a mentor and friend. He and his family have been through the fires of our lives and stayed by our side no matter the circumstance. I love them all. I pray fervently that the Lord would continue to bless them in every way and keep them all close to His heart. How they've influenced us with such a true, endearing friendship, I can hardly begin to describe. I can only hope and pray that my friendships in life reflect the one they have bestowed on us so willingly. Honestly, the way they genuinely love people is a reflection on how Christ expects us to love each other. Whether or not they see it that way, I don't know, but that is how I see it, which makes it all the more special to me.
Life is truly all about loving people. There isn't much else. In loving people in spite of their flaws and idiosyncrasies, there is a real joy. A joy that comes from the Spirit, for it is He who allows us to love unconditionally, for He loves us unconditionally. It is hard to imagine that HE loves without error when we screw up so much, but oh how true it is. If that isn't love, then the ocean is dry, there's no stars in the sky, and the sparrow can't fly. If that isn't love, then heaven's a myth, there's no feeling like this if that isn't love. Hallelujah is the only word that floods my tongue on the subject of His love for us. Hallelujah.
Now it's off to bed I go with pain meds and a thankful heart. Couldn't get much better than that, I assure you!

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